Funny Bernie Mac “Telling You Now Before You Read it in JET” Kings…

Bernie Mac “Telling You Now Before You Read it in JET” Kings…

Top YouTube comedians

I Was so Scared..I Thought She Threw HOT water on Me…Come to Find Out the Water was COLD…Now She Playing Mind Games on Me

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33 thought on “Bernie Mac “Telling You Now Before You Read it in JET” Kings…”

  1. I didn't know anything about Bernie until they filmed the Kings of Comedy movie in Charlotte in 2000. I found it funny that D.L., Cedric, and Steve would say, "Charlotte," but Bernie just called us "North Carolina." After that I watched him every time I could. Hilarious! RIP

  2. This same thing happened to me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ like ts literally fucked my head up nigga thought it was hot water after I screamed an hollered & shaking this Mf just threw ice water on me πŸ˜‚shit stuck to my skin an to top it off she took my Dam towels 😒

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